Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Life is a highway....

I heard that song today, on the way to the barn of course, and I couldn't help but smile. I was a very lucky girl this last weekend and had a fabulous showing with the Minyan's horse, Havarah Charly; he had a very deserving win in the OP division of the AEC's. I'm getting a few days of the celebrity feel, I have a call to return tomorrow to the 4th reporter that I've been interviewed by so far... wow :) I think back to all the traveling to horse shows, lessons, clinics and even the daily trecks to the barn for the past 18 years and it's funny to me that the reporters are so intrigued that I came all the way from California. I think one of them should add up all the traveling us Californian's do on a routine basis! Basically what I'm saying is that my life has been a highway and I'd have to say that although bumpy at times I wouldn't have wished for any other trek.

Charly and I have been hard at work at 2 things; XC toughness and throughness in the dressage. Both came together in a great way last weekend; Charly seemed to know how big of an event this was and boldly paraded around the edge of the dressage court past BOTH judges and as we powered down center line and saw Loris Henry herself at the C box I smiled and knew I better ride the test of my life if we were to have any chance at a top placing. The test finished with a lengthen trot across the diaganol then up center line, Charly put in the ultimate of lengthen trots that literally gave me goosebumps and the biggest smile to our final halt...I knew that no matter what anyone thought Charly gave it his best and truely performed.

The cross country course was big and extremely well decorated and designed, it was a sight to see. One of the jumps had a running faucet filling the top of a big table another set of jumps looked like the back drop to a high class wedding. In the morning I headed out to watch the water complex, 21 ABC and 22 ABC, it wasn't riding well however I did get the good news that the 1st place horse had 2 time faults. Charly warmed up perfectly, never getting a bad spot, although we only jumped 4 fences, vertical twice the oxer and then a very extreme angle over a solid roll top. Charly's final minutes were precisely planned out by Danny and kept me totally calm and cool, in fact I was excited I felt just like I was heading out for a race. And that's pretty much exactly what Charly thought it was, he went like gangbusters, luckily he isn't a runaway in any fashion! However he was the strongest he's ever been and I didn't get the stride I wanted for the water complex and for sure gave everyone a scare when I left out a stride in 2 separate spots on that last water... Charly got iced twice that day, a few nice easy strolls and a heavy poultice.

The show jumping was so pretty, the fences looked like things you'd see at a Grand Prix. Many flat cups and lots of related distances, it was set for rails to fall. The morning was a bit hectic as we planned for 2 minutes a horse and they must have run at 1 and a half... nonetheless everyone grouped together got Charly all set up and we were on our way. Again he was so good in warm up, Danny again did a fabulous job getting us perfectly prepped for the ring, he did his best to give Charly a pre round rub, but twinkle toes wouldn't do it...by the looks of our pictures he wasn't going to touch a thing!!! Some how I actually managed to enjoy the ride, I truely went in there feeling just as I would in a lesson, determined to not mess up!

If I haven't made it clear, myself and many others are completely 100% in love with this horse; Charly hasnt lost his character, his fancy tail nor his sharp knees but he has definately gained a competitive spirit!


Meg said...

You are an inspiration to us all! Though I miss you out here in Ca, I know how important the trek back east is for both you and your horses. Keep up the hard work and be sure to share your adventures with us when you can. Congratulations again, you're awesome =)
Meg (and Spyder!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Molly!!!
Big Congrats!.....My brother read an article in the Fresno Bee about your big win. Carsen (my niece) showed in her first show this weekend and won first place in hunter under saddle and 2nd place in equitation. She was in classes with 6-8 other riders that were 12 and under.......She's doing a hunter pace this coming weekend at Connie's at elementary level.......She's a 6 year old riding machine.......Keep up the good work.........I'm glad things are working out so wonderfully for you and Charly and Mr. Marky Mark.

Anonymous said...

I love all the detail- makes it so exciting for those of us who weren't there. Way to represent CA! As they say in one of my favorite songs "...in California we keep it rockin'". I also saw that picture of you and Charlie boy on the USEA website. Wow he looks like a completely different horse! "Super fine" is how I think he looks- the rider as well ;)