Saturday, September 22, 2007

About time!

I apologize to all my regular blog readers, I know I've been very slow in up-dating you with all the haps on the east coast. So much has happened I don't really know where to begin!

Normally I try to begin and end with positive and exciting news, this is a strategy I've learned through doing Pony Club testings, it's called "sandwiching" and is apparently one of the best ways to present information to people. I think in this situation I'm going to start off with the two largest pieces of information I have; both of them happened awhile ago, neither one are good, but they both have brought change into mine and others lives.

The fist big news occurred at the Millbrook Horse Trials in New York. Many of you know my roomate, Asia Vedder, a fellow upper level rider who came out east with me to immerse herself in the life of east coast eventing and racing. Asia was riding at the Intermediate level and had a very un-fortunate fall on her mare Gem Lion. Asia was transported off to a nearby hospital, and luckily only suffered lots of pain and broken bones but no internal injuries. Asia ended up staying in New York for over two weeks, recieving a few surgeries to fix her arm and her hip. She then spend another week in a rehabilitation hospital to learn how to do normal everyday things; like putting on shoes, stepping up a curb, etc. I'll always remember going to pick Asia up and seeing her bright happy face and just being amazed at how well she handled all that she went through. Asia's accident happened about a month ago and she is now home, watching lots of videos and doing her best to keep from going completely stir crazy.

The next big news is about our beloved Charly. More than anything this has probably kept me from being able to up-date this blog, I really don't like having to pass along this information, perhaps it makes it too real. So many people have joined in with me to help get this fabulous horse to the east coast to compete in some very prestigious events and bring him up the levels in the best manner we could. Unfortunately in this sport no matter how prepared you are and how great your horse is, things still happen. Charly has visited two fabulous doctors and both agree on one thing, he needs some time off and with that time he'll be as good as ever and ready for full use at high levels of competition again. One vet believes that he doesn't yet have a lesion on his tendon but if he was kept in work her would get one. The other vet feels like there is a lesion, it is just small. EIther way, Charly is being treated as if he does have a bowed tendon. This means he gets iced twice a day, poulticed at night and hand walked twice a day. For the first week he was such a good patient, I was absolutely amazed! Every time he even thought about coming out of his zen nature I just told him that all of this rest time was for his benefit and he couldn't bounce around because that would make him hurt his leg and then he'd have to be in complete stall rest.... I've never thought any animal (besides Quigley) could understand english, but I really believe that Charly understood this. However he now is trying lots of different techniques to get in a little play time; his current favorite is to walk really calmly and then all of a sudden snort and leap all four feet off the ground. Bad bad boy!

I'm anxiously awaiting Charly's return to work but in the meantime I figure that this is a good time for me to get some experience out riding other horses and meet more of the Cecil county horse trainers/riders. Currently I'm still riding the race horse babies at Breakaway Farm, then I do Charly's morning routine, then ride 4 to 5 dressage/jumpers for a warmblood breeder/importer and then finish off the day with Charly's evening routine. This set-up is just for two weeks then I go back to California for our next Havarah clinic. I think after riding the 10 horses a day, I'll be ready to walk around doing some teaching!

Speaking of the Havarah group, I do have to say that my last trip out to California was one of the most successful clinics I've given. I get so excited to see how much progress my students get after 3 back to back lessons, everyone tries so hard... you guys are great!!!

On a much more exciting note our life long horse search for Amy Fox is officially over! Amy is now the proud owner of Socrates, a very handsome and athletic gelding that is a new residence at El Encanto. Amy's first show with Socrates is Woodside in of luck to you Amy!

Also my "Rockstar" group of Havarah students (that was the initial group of teenage girls I started with) are all leaping into adult life in a big way. Christina Aguet seems to be doing extremely well going into her second year at UC Davis, and Lauren Billys has transferred back into California from Texas to atted FSU along with Kelcey Collins and Amy Fox... I have to say it's a neat feeling to have "my girls" all off in college and so many of them off to be Bulldogs...go dogs!

This was a super long entry...thanks for reading :)

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