Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fair Hill smiles...

As many of you know my "Big" horse, Havarah's Charly has a bit of time off in 2009 and has had a long slow road back to the advanced level of competition.

It took a lot of faith and good good people to get this done. Everyone that has been involved in this process should be feeling great pride as Charly has already shown this weekend that he was well worth the wait. A 26.9 in the dressage and a double clean in Show Jumping, he truely is a horse of a lifetime.

Tomorrow is the test of training and fitness. From our schoolings it seems like Charly remembers all of his "stuff"; but there's nothing like doing everything in competition mode, on your own, and "under pressure". Charly has nothing to prove to me, and I'm pretty sure his owners would all say the same. Sunday will go as Charly needs; when he needs a few seconds to read a question, he'll get it, if he's ready to roll up a hill to a huge gallop fence I'll allow him... this horse knows how he wants to play and I'm very excited to be his playmate on tomorrow's Advanced level cross country course!

Molly and Charly

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