Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Riding for a Cause

We had a very successful cross country school yesterday at Plantation Field benefiting the True Prospect Fire Relief Fund.

Two of the three Connemara-eventing-machines, Archie and Indie, stepped out of their Novice comfort zones and jumped around Training questions like champs.

Molly's two Training horses, Benny and Rivan, showed enormous amounts of potential jumping up a level to Prelim.

Ankhe, who recently moved up to Training, had a couple of green moments but learned a lot and, being the solid citizen that he is, toughed it out for a good go.

Congrats to working student, Shadney Elwell, who schooled her mare Ella Training. They hope to move up from Novice to Training at the Maryland Horse Trials in July!

Our handy CWD rep., Andrew Goodwin, had a successful school on his handsome man, Beau.

Perhaps one of the brightest moments of the day was having Mr. John Nunn back in the saddle! His lovely horse, Smile Like You Mean It "Smiley", unfortunately was suffering from a sore back but is now rockin' and ready to go!

Unfortunately, among all the good there is some sad news. Two of our clients and owners, Kathy and Quinn Anderson, lost a beloved horse of theirs, Ben. Ben was a wonderful horse and teacher having taken Molly's working student, Hannah Metz, to her first recognized Beginner Novice event. It's never easy loosing a horse as they become part of our family, but our hearts and thoughts go out to Kathy and Quinn.

Stay tuned for the next wave of events... so much going on there's always something to blog about!

Working Students Maddie Parison and Hannah Metz hanging by the trailer.


Anonymous said...

Ben was world class!

Havarah Equestrian said...
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Havarah Equestrian said...

I saw Ben earlier in the day on Monday and he looked as happy as ever. He properly "schooled" the new horse in the pasture, told him the ways of the world. I'm sure after he met Quinn's new mount and told him his place in the world and how he expected the Anderson family to be treated, he felt at ease and ok to go. I am lucky to have met Ben and to teach the riders that he so wonderfully started! Thank you Ben!
`Molly R.

Beth said...

So sad to lose a long time friend.

Good job Archie and Indie! The other ponies at Kynynmont are cheering you on!